Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Weekend of Firsts

Mike came home on Saturday and since then we've been on the go. The moment he got back, we were off on a train headed to Yokohama. The goal: to get a limited edition Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Bear at Build-a-Bear. Along the way, Grace experienced a few firsts.

First train ride.

First meal at Hard Rock Cafe Yokohama.

First shopping trip at a mall.

First Build-a-Bear.

First time in a Baby Lounge.

It took us two trips to bathrooms without any changing tables to figure out that there was a special room that had a row of changing tables with it's own diaper genie. There were even a couple curtained-off rooms for breastfeeding.

All those firsts made for one exhausted daddy and baby. She woke up at her normal time this morning, but her daddy was able to convince her to play "Zzzzz's", a game he was taught by his own dad. They played Zzzzz's for about an hour while I got stuff done around the house.

And finally- remember what our goal was this weekend? To get a limited edition Sakura bear, which set her daddy back 6400 yen, roughly $65. Look at how much she just LOVES her bear...


Julie, the mama said...

$65 for a teddy bear??? Oh, Mike, you ARE in trouble now.

Anonymous said...

She's already high maintenence. Just like her Aunt :) Now for a bear from FAO Schwarz...

Anonymous said...

Wait till you visit and see how some of those Limited Edition (animals) prices soar for major collectors! We saw a doxie listed at $55 and it was unstuffed!

Anyways, the Kimono looks really good in the picture. Wonder if Grace can fit into that for a Photo Op?