Sunday, March 8, 2009

6 Weeks: Before & After

It's been 6 weeks since our lives have been forever changed by the arrival of our sweet baby girl, Virginia Grace. There are so many things that have changed in our lifestyle, both big and small, but here are just a couple things for today...

When my mom walked into our house 6 weeks ago, she looked around our living room and saw this. She laughed and said that it wouldn't stay looking like this once the baby was born.

Mama's always right! This is the state of our living room now. I'm almost embarrassed to show this, but I'm doing it in the interest of full disclosure.

Six weeks ago, I was still carrying Grace and hoping she'd come out soon so we could finally hold her.

Six weeks later and we're holding her alright- ALL THE TIME!! Here she is in the Sleepy Wrap baby carrier. She seemed to really like it. She stayed in it and slept for almost two hours while I got work done around the house.


Josh Copon said...

you loook good with that baby wrap ate!!! cant wait till you get home!!! im fixing up your room already!!!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh!!! Do you love the sleepywrap honey??? Tell me all about it!