Sunday, March 15, 2009

Sleepy Sunday

I'm almost afraid to say anything for fear of jinxing myself, but Grace is starting to sleep regularly. And I don't have to be holding her for it to happen either!

The first few weeks were tough because in order for her to sleep, I had to hold her. If I tried to put her down, she was wide awake again. I was starting to worry that she was overtired because it didn't seem like she was getting enough sleep during the day. But the past few days have been great- multiple naps of respectable length and getting her to bed at night has gotten easier too. We moved her into her crib when she turned six weeks old last week and I think it's actually helped her to sleep better.

Despite missing Mike today, Grace and I managed to have a really nice Sunday. We went to church this morning where our friends, the Shaughnessys, saved us seats. Then we enjoyed a nice leisurely brunch together. Grace doesn't like being in her carseat carrier if she's awake, but sweet Kim held her for me so that I could enjoy my food. It was fabulous to be able to eat with both hands for a change!

Afterwards Grace was an angel while I did some grocery shopping. The last time I tried to go to the grocery store with the baby, people stared at me while she cried at the top of her lungs. A woman even came up to me, asked if she was my first baby and told me, "Oh honey, it DOES get better." I just wanted to disappear I was so embarrassed. But today, not a peep from the little one.

The rest of the day was spent hanging out talking in silly, high pitched voices and making exaggerated faces to get her to smile. Oh the things mamas do to make their babies smile...


Julie, the mama said...

Isn't sleep a lovely thing? Now you can do things like shave your legs and vacuum your floor!