Monday, March 16, 2009

Smiling Grace: A Video!

This is for the grandparents, aunt, and uncles. And daddy, of course, who we're missing very much.

Grace and I had a lazy day today. Her naps were a little short, but at least she took them. And I got to join her for her afternoon nap. Maybe she'll make up for the shortness of the naps during the day by extending her night time slumber.

**UPDATE** So much for extending her night time slumber. It took me 2 hours to get her to bed tonight and it's only one hour later and I'm already starting to hear her stir.


Anonymous said...

At least it took you only 1:35 to capture those wonderful smiles and coos. It takes me 10 minutes and by that time, dogs can hear my high pitched voice! I wish I had the talent and knack for true blogging, instead of sending out my pictures/captions!

Anonymous said...

Awwwe! Can I just reach through the computer screena and hold her?

Julie, the mama said...

You've definitely got the mama voice down pat! So cute!

Anonymous said...

And of course, I can't watch YouTube videos from over here...

- Daddy