Sunday, March 29, 2009

Game Night Buddies

Saturday night was game night at our place. It's the first time we've hosted a party since having a baby. It was a great night- good friends, good food, and lots of fun. Here's a glimpse of our weekend through pictures...

Gracie and Grace- sweet little buddies. My Grace was finally awake for this fun play date.

Aren't they cute in their matching outfits? Yes, it was planned...

Grace and Jasmine, her other sweet little friend.

These two little munchkins are six weeks apart.

All the girls!

Here's a tummy time update- she still hates it!

But she does love sleeping in church.

My sweet and precious girl.


Julie, the mama said...

ALL of those pictures are adorable. I LOVE that pink outfit.

J-mee!! said...

love checking your blog to see the updates!