Friday, March 27, 2009

"Me" Time

Before baby, 'me' time consisted of activities such as reading, watching Oprah or Jon & Kate plus 8, surfing the net, leisurely shopping, taking long, hot showers, and doing my hair.

Now 'me' time means doing loads of laundry plus the luxury of folding and putting it away, cleaning the floors, and tidying the house. Sometimes, if I'm lucky, I can even take a shower that lasts more than 5 minutes. Forget about the hair- I haven't had a haircut in months and the way I 'do' my hair now is to twist it up into a bun. Sexy, I know.

Maybe one day I can go back to my original 'me' activities, but it sure isn't going to be any time soon. Thankfully I have an awesome husband who helps me with my current 'me' activities. As I type, he is mopping the floors that I didn't get a chance to do this afternoon.

I think I may have gotten a complex about my baby's eyes thanks to her Aunt Megan's comment on the previous blog. Does it look like she has a lazy eye??? Oh well, it doesn't matter- I love her anyway!


Julie, the mama said...

I can't see a lazy eye, but I sure see two beautiful eyes! She is so adorable.

And make sure to make some fun "me" time too. You will be a better mama if you make time for yourself. And there are always going to be floors to mop, and laundry to do. I know from experience!

Anonymous said...

I knew when I read Megan's comment, it was going to concern you. It would me too - though I think it was just the way she was smiling in the one photo. Grace is so beautiful! Can't wait to meet her in June :)


Aunt Megan said...

Oh no! I didn't mean for it to bother you Cicely! Maybe it was just the picture? She's still beautiful anyhow.

josyl said...

she's beautiful!!! i think she has mike's eyes. ^^

Mike and Cicely said...

It's okay, Aunt Megan! :) Grace does go a little cross-eyed every once in a while so I think I know what you mean, but her doctor says it's completely normal for that to happen for the first few months.