Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Another Late Night

It never fails that whenever Grace has a school party the following day, I am up way too late the night before working on a project or baking a treat.  I wanted Grace to really participate in making her Valentines for her classmates and teachers.  I made her write out her name on every single card and she helped me tape the picture onto the cardstock paper.  I thought that starting on them a week before they were due to be passed out was plenty of time.

I was wrong.  I finally sent her to bed an hour past her bedtime and I stayed up until one in the morning putting on the finishing touches.

When Grace woke up, she was so happy with the way they turned out that it made the late night worth it.  Although next year, I'm seriously going to contemplate store bought cards.

A special Valentine "delivered' by Grace.
Teacher gift
Another teacher gift.  It's socks rolled to look like a  frosted cupcake.   Grace and I thought it was cute.  Mike thought it  just looked like socks rolled up into a cup.

Grace was so excited about all the Valentines she received.
Daddy brought home a sweet treat for Claire, too!  She immediately dropped it on the floor and it broke into pieces, but she loved it all the same.


Josyl said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Augustine Fam!!!

Laura said...

I think the cupcake of socks is cute! But nothing beats that adorable Valentine from Grace! Nice job Cicely (and Grace). I hope you have time for a well deserved nap today!

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!