Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Visit With Santa

This year's visit with Santa went much better than last year. Last year she cried inconsolably. This year, she waved to him while she stood in line and even had a mini meltdown when she realized she couldn't just go up to him and actually had to wait her turn. When it finally was her turn, she turned all shy and refused to speak to him, but at least she sat on his lap for a picture. Santa gave her a candy cane before we left and it was all she talked about the entire way home- "Santa give me candy cane!"

Despite her shyness with the face to face meeting with Santa, she's still excited about his upcoming visit to our home in a few short weeks. And so am I. It's going to be a wonderful Christmas!

Waiting in line with Daddy.

Getting tired of waiting.


Julie, the mama said...

I would get all shy too if I walked up to Santa sitting on that crazy purple chair!

Meagan said...

She looks so cute with Santa!