Wednesday, December 8, 2010

33 Years Young

I never dreaded turning 30 because when I was young, I thought 30 was the magic number- the age where everything that I wanted in life would be in place. And thanks to all of God's infinite blessings, I was right. When I was 30, I was healthy and happy with a loving husband by my side and a baby on the way.

And every year just gets better and better.

Today, it was just me and my girl celebrating since Mike is underway, but I didn't mind too much. Each new birthday becomes less about birthday 'privileges' (read: presents and bossing people, i.e. my brothers and hubby, around) and more about counting my blessings and thanking God for letting me live the life I do. It is an amazingly wonderful life and I am very, very grateful.

I did get treated to a birthday lunch, my favorite meal at one of my favorite restaurants by my dear friend, Liezel. In the afternoon, Grace and I went out to get a couple of cupcake treats to enjoy.

And we ended our day with an evening church service where Grace made fast friends with the little girl sitting next to us by going up to her and saying, "Hi! What's your name? I like your shirt." I just love my sweet, outgoing little girl. I probably should have been shushing her since we were in the middle of a mass, but I couldn't stand to stop a potential friendship in progress. Grace did make sure to point out to her new friend, "There's baby Jesus and his Mama Mary," pointing to the statue at the front of the church, so it wasn't all girlish chatter.

A big THANK YOU to my very own mama, without whom this day would not have been possible for me!


Your Lucky Hubby said...

Happy Birthday, my Love. We'll celebrate this weekend - I miss you with all my heart.

Julie, the mama said...

Oh, I so enjoyed this precious post and the adorable pictures. And I so loved hearing the Grace story about meeting a friend at church.

Happy, happy birthday to one of the sweetest friends I have.

Josyl said...

I love it. C, you're an absolutely wonderful person. Give my inaanak a big hug for me. : ) Have a great BIRTHDAY week!! xoxo

Meagan said...

Such a sweet post! Those cupcakes sure do look good. Happy Birthday!!

Joannemay said...

I love that when Grace embraces, she closes her eyes as if to savor the moment! I would have never guessed 3-3 honey bunny!

Mom and Dad said...

Happy and blessed birthday darling. You are still my favorite daughter. ha ha ha.

I am so blessed to have you in my life and now with Grace and Mike, I am truly grateful to our Lord for giving me a wonderful addition to my family. I love you very much, anak.