Saturday, December 18, 2010

A glimpse into her play world

There was a time a few months ago when I wondered if Grace would ever learn to play independently without my having to be by her side every single minute. Although I was quite flattered to be her favorite playmate (not that she has much choice in the matter), it was hard to get those pesky house chores done if I played all day like she wanted me to. It was times like those when I really saw the benefit of having babies close in age- instant playmates!

Now she is finally at the stage where she will play by herself for a few minutes at a time and it's such a pleasure for me to sneak a peek into her little world.

Today I tiptoed to her bedroom where she was quietly playing to see what she was up to and this is what I heard...

Shhhhhh (with a finger over her nose), little babies. Go to sleep, go to sleep (said in a semi sing-song voice). I'm going to read you a story, okay? It's really, really fun! (Music to this former English teacher's ears!)

She then proceeded to read her babies "Curious George Rides a Bike" and "Guess How Much I Love You."

After story time, she leaned down, kissed her babies, and put a blanket over them.

It was one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. I don't ever want to forget these innocent, quiet moments that if I don't document now, may be forgotten in time.


Julie, the mama said...

I think independent play is a beautiful thing!

Michael said...

AAwwww, how cute!!

Meagan said...

So sweet! I agree with Julie, independent play is a fantastic thing.

Lola said...

Awwwwesome! Reading to young ones sure runs in our family. Female side of the family. ha ha ha.