Monday, December 6, 2010

I'm So Funny

I am happy to report that we are finally enjoying some cooler weather here in Jacksonville! Grace and I even had to wear our jackets today. Now it's really starting to feel like Christmas.

And if that wasn't enough to put me in a festive mood, then surely the candy bowls I have stationed around the house filled with holiday treats should definitely do the trick. I just got rid of all the Halloween candy and here I go buying up Christmas candy. It's no wonder I gain at least 10 pounds during this time of year.

Grace continues to sing Jingle Bells, but she's discovered she gets the best reaction when she really emphasizes the "Hey!" so Jingle Bells has become the "Hey!" song around here. She yells it out loudly and then gets so tickled with herself that she starts giggling. And then proclaims, "I'm so funny!"

Maybe it's because I'm her mama and I would agree to anything she says because I just love her so darn much, but I think she's pretty hilarious. Not a day goes by where she doesn't have me smiling and laughing at some silly antic or another.


Julie, the mama said...

Count me in. I think she is hilarious. And gorgeous.

Aunt Megan said...

Can't wait to see Grace now that she's talking!

Meagan said...

Me too! I am always crackin' up at that sweet Grace.