Monday, December 13, 2010

Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

After such a busy weekend, Grace and I decided we were going to stay in and be boring today. The most exciting thing we did was whip up some banana chocolate chip muffins. I let Grace do most of the work. It took twice as long and was twice as messy, but also twice the fun- as is the case with most activities that involve Grace.

Step 1: Peel the bananas.

Step 2: Mash the bananas with a fork.

Step 3: Taste the bananas to ensure quality.

Step 4: Mix the wet and dry ingredients.

Step 5: Add the chocolate chips!

Step 6: Line the muffin tins.

Step 7: Fill the tins with muffin mixture and try to sneak a taste.

Step 8: Get all upset because you have to wait for the treats to bake in the oven.

Step 9: Enjoy your muffin!


Julie, the mama said...

You sure had a mighty cute helper!

Meagan said...

CUTE! What a fun way to spend the day.

Lola said...

So cute and adorable. love you mwhoah!!!