Thursday, December 2, 2010

Jingle Bells

Not quite sure where she learned it but she was all about singing Jingle Bells today. And insisted I join her. So we jingle belled our way around the grocery store. We jingle belled in the car. We jingle belled as we hit the mall in search of a dress for me to wear to Mike's Christmas work party tomorrow night.

Grace and I were having such a fantastic day.

And then we got a phone call from Mike, who is on duty tonight, to tell me the news of whether they would have to continue with this grueling work schedule- 3 section duty, late work nights, 6 days a week. Just when you think it can't get any worse, it does. Now they have to work Sundays, too.

When I heard the news, all I could do was laugh. It was either that or cry hysterically. I mean, what can you do? It is what it is. When I got off the phone, I did end up crying, but not hysterically- just a few tears of self pity. We hardly see him as it is. Sometimes I feel like I just imagined he came home for a couple of hours the night before and it's not until I do a load of laundry and see his clothes in the hamper that I realize he actually was home.

I naively thought that once deployment was over, things would be smooth sailing (pardon the pun). I never thought the most trying times would be now, months after deployment ended.

I have two words for how I'm coping with these challenges: retail therapy (Grace is REALLY making out on gifts this Christmas). That and chocolate, lots and lots of chocolate.


Meagan said...

Grace looks so good in red!

I'm so sorry to hear about the ship. I have been there and it sucked. At least you have Target there, think if you were stuck with Yoko's NEX. The horror! You might need real therapy then. ;-)

Lola said...

I can't wait to see Grace's holiday's wardrobe.

Sorry to hear about Mike's schedule. Being a military wife is really tough but I am sure you will get through it. You just have to support each other. Plus you have Grace to keep you busy. She is a handful at this age. Love you very much. MHWOAH!!!

Michael said...

Hmmm...seems like sea duty hasn't changed at all since I was on active duty. Take comfort knowing that all the other families are feeling the same as you. And, understand that the career of every officer on the ship is at stake until they pass their coming inspections. There is always too much to do to get ready properly for the inspections and not enough time before the inspection to finish preparations.

Grace looks so cute we want to reach into the picture and hug her!

Grandma and Grandpa

Julie, the mama said...

Bless your heart. Sounds like Bill's first year of business school. Some mornings I would have to look in the clothes hamper to see if he even came home to sleep!