Friday, December 17, 2010

Holiday Lights

When I was growing up, my mom and I used to have great fun decorating the outside of our house with as many holiday lights and decorations as possible. I have many fond memories of being out in the freezing cold stringing lights all over the yard, but loving it because it was our thing.

I haven't had a chance to decorate like that in a long time, but I love looking at houses that go all out for the holidays. I heard about this one neighborhood near us where almost every single house puts up Christmas lights. So after dinner tonight, we decided to take a drive through the neighborhood and check it out.

Oh. My. Goodness. It was wonderful! I would love to live in a neighborhood that has so much Christmas spirit. Almost every yard had a Santa in it, much to Grace's absolute delight. I think we may just have to do a drive through every night until Christmas.

I was so tickled by this display of a tropical Santa being pulled by his flamingo reindeer.


Lola said...

OH, I really missed those days.

Julie, the mama said...

Fun memories with your mama. LOVE IT.

We LOVE light around here, too.