Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hello, Jesus, Whassup?

Grace likes to play 'phone' where she hands me the phone and insists I carry on imaginary conversations with random people, usually one of the grandparents. After exhausting all topics, I started to run out of things to say, so I told her it was her turn to call someone. This is what her conversation sounded like:

"Hello, Jesus, Whassup? What you doing? I got boo-boo (pointing to her band-aid). Make it all better. Talk to you later!"

And speaking of phones, I recently had to change my number because, apparently, there was a typo in some ad and I started to get random calls and texts from people thinking they were calling an escort service. It was funny at first, then annoying, then downright creepy.


Julie, the mama said...

The wrong number thing just got me SO tickled. You'll need to email me your new number.

Meagan said...

I am dying over the wrong number. That is one for the books, for sure!

Michael said...

Grace is sooo cute talking with Jesus!

Please email us your new phone number.

Nellie said...

SO adorable! i've been waiting on this post. she's a trip. :)

Sharen said...

Hilarious! I so enjoy reading your blog... :)