Friday, December 3, 2010

Night Out

We didn't mean to, but ended up being a matchy-matchy couple. I'm quite indifferent to them, but Mike was so excited to wear his suspenders.

The wardroom wives- such sweet, lovely ladies.

While Mike and I were enjoying our night out, Grace had fun with her sweet new babysitter, Martha. This picture doesn't accurately show how much Grace loved Martha. She didn't bat an eyelash when I said goodbye and in fact, she just continued snuggling with Martha on the couch while I begged for a little kiss good night.

Grace was sound asleep when we got home and we received a good report from Martha- after reading her favorite book about twenty times, she went to sleep without any issues.


Meagan said...

Lookin' good!!!

Julie, the mama said...

Always a good thing when they do well with a babysitter!

You and Mike look especially adorable all dolled up for the party!

Beth said...

Where did you find Martha?