Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Stay Busy

Whenever Mike is away, this is my mantra: Stay busy! It helps to make the days pass by quickly.

So today's agenda was packed with lots of errand running, my favorite one on the list being a Costco run. I don't know what it is about that place, but I love going to Costco. Even if it's just to grab Grace a container of blackberries. But, of course, when you go into Costco, you never leave with just one thing. You end up with other incidentals in your cart like a party size platter of baklava that takes you two weeks to eat. (That was Mike's pick during our last Costco run)

I pulled up to the Costco parking lot, which was surprisingly jam packed for the middle of the day during a work week, and my child is asleep in the carseat. Not to be deterred, I dig in my purse for my wallet to have it handy for the ID checker. No wallet to be found. In my hurry to leave the house, I forgot to put my wallet back into my purse after Grace played with it.

I had no choice but to head back home. I guess it could have been worse. I could have gone into a store, ready to check out a cart full of stuff, and THEN noticed I didn't have my wallet.

I know my mantra is to stay busy, but I was hoping it would be the productive kind of busy. At least Grace got herself a nice long nap.

I think this girl might need her own pair of Uggs....


Julie, the mama said...

Is that a hint to Santa about the Uggs?? :-)

Mike and Cicely said...

No way, Julie! At least not the real Uggs. Maybe just the Target knock-offs, which are currently on sale.... LOL :)