Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas 2010

I was so excited about Grace seeing what Santa brought her that I completely forgot to take a picture of her sitting in front of the tree with all the presents piled underneath. Once I remembered, the living room was a disaster area with wrapping paper and boxes strewn all over the place that it was too late to even fake the moment. I even splurged and ordered her the holiday plaid pajamas from a fancy shmancy boutique store for the picture perfect moment. Oh well, there's always next year.

Despite the missed photo opportunity, it was a wondrous Christmas morning for all three of us. When I went to get Grace from her bedroom, the first question she asked was "Did Santa bring presents?" and I told her to go out there and see.

She bypassed all the presents and went straight for the plate of cookies and glass of milk to see if Santa ate his snack. She was quite amazed that he tried all the cookies she offered.

Then, even though she's been talking for weeks about Santa bringing her presents, she was a bit hesitant about actually opening them. Mike and I had to do a bit of prodding, but after the first few, she got the hang of the whole thing. After a while though, she just wanted to play with the presents she had already opened and told Mike, "You open them, Daddy."

After presents, Daddy and Grace played with all her cool new stuff before he had to head to work (Don't even get me started!). Thankfully he was back by early afternoon so we had the rest of the day to relax and watch Grace turn the house into a complete and absolute mess while playing with all her new toys. Mike always doubted the need for a playroom, but experiencing how quickly the house gets overrun with kiddie clutter without one, space for a play room is on the top of our list when looking for our next place.

We ended our evening with a new Augustine family tradition- movie night. In an actual movie theater! We watched Tangled and Grace liked it enough to be relatively well behaved for most of it.

We hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas! Merry Christmas and much love from the Augustines!

Grace was so exhausted from all the Christmas morning festivities that she fell asleep while eating her lunch.


Meagan said...

What a great day!! I'm so glad y'all had a wonderful Christmas! Those jammies sure are cute and that kitchen looks like it will be loads of fun!

Anthony once doubted the playroom too. Men!

Julie, the mama said...

Everything looks just perfect. And I would say it sounded perfect if it weren't for Mike having to go in to that stupid boat.

Add Bill to the men who doubted the need for a playroom. He's since changed his tune, thankfully.

Joannemay Estoesta said...

Is the kitchen from Pottery Barn Kids? So adorable!