Monday, January 24, 2011

You're My Best Friend

I don't know what possessed me to think Grace would behave just fine if I tried to go out to lunch with my book club girls during her normal nap time. Maybe it was the residual over-the-counter drugs in my system that I can blame for my temporary insanity. But to say that my child misbehaved during our meal at a cute little cafe is a gross understatement.

Thankfully Liezel and Lorelie are so sweet they pretended Grace was adorable and that her behavior was no big deal when, even as her mother, I know for a fact she was far from adorable at that moment and I feared getting kicked out at any minute.

We skipped dessert and decided to discuss our book while taking a walk in order to accommodate my high maintenance girl.

At least the rest of our day went smoothly. We played with her new toys, I giggled as she twirled in her brand new tutu, made by Nellie, one of Grace's all time favorite people, and we cuddled on the couch and watched a little TV.

And then the girl who was sorely testing my patience just a few short hours before completely melted my heart when she hugged my neck and whispered in my ear, "You're my best friend, Mama."

Can my life get any better?


Joannemay Estoesta said...

I really regret not taking those fancy schmancy pictures of Jas in a tutu and wings as a baby. I love all your moments with Grace!

Julie, the mama said...


Meagan said...

LOVE!!! LOVE that tutu! That's a framer for sure.