Sunday, January 2, 2011

Purr-fect Day

Grace helped start our day by proclaiming it was time to get dressed. She perused my closet and picked out a purple shirt for herself and a black striped one for me. She completed her outfit with my old running shoes. A fashionista in the making!

Mike came home from work a little earlier than expected and Grace immediately put him to work. This is Grace and Dinosaur Daddy.

Liezel came over to hang out for the afternoon and after being housebound for the past few days because of colds, we loved her company!

Finally, I was able to meet with the Tri-Delts to discuss our latest book selection. I guess it's a good thing Borders closed at seven or else I might have stayed out all night. It's been a long while since I've had a bit of time to myself and it was so wonderful. It was even more wonderful to come home to a bathed baby all ready for bed!


Meagan said...

That first picture of Grace is something else. Kay just loved the shoes!

I love a night out, glad you had such a good one!!

Joannemay Estoesta said...

I can't wait to read Liezel's Notes!

Michael said...

Amazing, Grace! She even managed to coordinate the color of her clothes with the color of her bandage.