Sunday, January 9, 2011

Good Luck Kiss

Farrah has made our family time almost nonexistent for the past year, but I set aside all ill will and wish her and her crew good luck. Tomorrow is their big day, the culmination of all their hard work and long hours away from family- their INSURV inspection. Please don't ask me what that means because I have no idea. All I know is that if they don't do well, life will get exponentially harder for everyone.

As Mike left this afternoon to head to the ship, Grace ran after him and gave him a big good luck kiss. With well wishes like that, they are sure to be successful!


Julie, the mama said...

I'm so ready for this inspection to be over. I can't imagine how you must feel!

Lola said...

Good luck from all of us.

Michael said...

We're glad both Cicely and Grace have recovered from their colds. We wish Michael and the ship a successful INSURV inspection.