Monday, June 8, 2009

My New Ride

When Mike and I got married, we had a deal. I was in charge of anything that went into the house and he was in charge of anything that went into the garage. In other words, I get final say in all matters of furniture and decor. He gets final say in what kind of vehicles we get. With our time in Japan coming to an end this fall, we knew we needed to start thinking about getting a family car for when we move back to the States. But since Grace and I will be staying in Virginia Beach for the summer, Mike decided it would be best to get a car a little earlier so I wouldn't have to bum rides off people.

I wanted a van. He pretty much said 'over my dead body'. I tried to reason with him about the benefits of a van with a small child. He reminded me of our deal.

So this is what I ended up with- a ruby red Volvo XC90. I used to think Volvos were for old people because all my Aunties and Uncles growing up drove Volvos. But I have to say that despite my preconceived notions about Volvos, I am in love with my new ride. My favorite color, plenty of space, and a sunroof!

Now I have to think of what to name her....