Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Lovin' It

Even though I haven't done much of anything since I've been back, I'm loving just being with my family. I love seeing how much they adore Grace. I love seeing Grace being so good with them. I love watching my 'baby' brother be an uncle to his niece. I love seeing my dad get all silly in an effort to hear Grace's giggles. The only thing that would make this complete was if Mike didn't have to be away during the week. It really stinks that he can only spend weekends with us while he's here. I guess we'll just have to make the most of the time we have.

With her gorgeous Aunt Megan

Dad made one of my favorites, steamed crabs, for dinner the other night.

Playing with Lola

Meeting her Ninang Glenda for the first time.

With Lina and Sadie

Woke up with some crazy hair this morning.


Aunt Megan said...

The picture with the crabs is so hilarious! She looked so amazed

Julie, the mama said...

ADORABLE. I know you love being home!