Thursday, June 25, 2009

5 Months

Time is such a relative thing, but if the saying 'time flies when you're having fun' is true, then we must be having a blast. I can't believe it's already been five months since my precious baby girl was born. Lola made sure we marked the occasion with a Coldstone ice cream cake. The evening was complete with a couple of pizzas and a visit from Jess and Aunt Megan. Lola and Lolo even came home from the restaurant a little early tonight in order to celebrate Grace's 5 month birthday. What a lucky baby girl!

Enjoyed a Mexican lunch with my good friend Jess.

Aunt Megan stopped by to celebrate and have some birthday cake.

Exhausted from all the birthday festivities.


Aunt Megan said...

Cute little celebration! It was fun, wish we could have stayed longer.