Monday, April 27, 2009

Naps and Determination

This baby was a great napper today. That's how I was able to dust, vacuum, tidy the house, finish all the laundry, AND cook dinner. The only thing I didn't scratch off my to-do list was to mop the floors. One good nap from her tomorrow and that will hopefully get taken care of too.

Grace is growing so quickly and it is such a pleasure to see her discover the world and try out new things. She has such a look of determination sometimes that I just love. I'm hoping that spirit of determination will continue when she gets older and has to finish her chores, clean her room, and do her homework.

Here she is fascinated by her toy during tummy time. Check out that tiny tongue of hers popping out at the corner of her mouth. Cracks me up to watch my little determined baby!


J-mee!! said...

Don't you just love her! I bet you can't get enough!