Saturday, April 4, 2009

Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossom season is in full swing now so we decided to set out early this morning with our friends, the Blews, and fight the crowd to see the beautiful blooms and hopefully take some cute pictures. Because the season only lasts 2 weeks at the very most, if the weather cooperates, the crowds are insane!

This is our last chance to enjoy the cherry blossom season in Japan so I was especially anxious to get some good pictures of Grace. It was pretty stressful because we had to deal with tons of people trying to take their pictures too. Then at one point, we were posing for a family shot when an old Japanese man became overly fond of my baby and thought it was okay to keep trying to touch her. Thankfully he moved on after I turned and shielded her with my body. And before Mike had to step in. I was so afraid of Mike getting overprotective and doing bodily harm to the old man.

We got a few good pictures, but I'm hoping the blossoms will hang on until next weekend so we can go to a couple parks for some more photo opportunities. In the meantime, here are a few from today.

The Augustine family

Getting a good shot of all the kids a) looking at the camera and b) smiling at the same time proved more difficult than we thought.

On the train ride back home. My little model looks pooped, doesn't she?

After our photo shoot, we went to Grandberry Mall for an all-you-can-eat Chinese buffet lunch and shopping. Here are the 'twins' with Mike.