Sunday, June 12, 2011


Grace totally capitalized on Mike's surprise homecoming yesterday by staying up way past her bedtime. Like it was ten thirty at night and the girl was still wide awake.

But the child never sleeps in no matter how late she stays up the night before. In fact, often times she'll actually wake up earlier than her normal time. It just doesn't seem fair, especially to a mama who is not a morning person, but that's the way she is.

We made it to church this morning and halfway through the Mass, I could tell that her late night and early wake up time was finally catching up to her. She started getting cranky and I sensed a meltdown in the near future. Just when I was starting to feel sorry for myself (Why do I always have to deal with meltdowns when I'm solo?), I turned around and made eye contact with a mama who was dealing with similar issues. Except she had triplets- two girls and a boy. It immediately put my situation in perspective.

After a quick lunch, I put a very sleepy Grace to bed and didn't hear a single complaint about it being much earlier than her naptime. I was going to try and be productive around the house, but I decided that a nap for me would be just as productive. Especially since I promised Grace an afternoon at the pool. I need energy for that kind of endeavor!

True to my word, we hit the pool the moment we woke up from our naps. The pool thing turned out to be a fantastic idea. The weather was perfect, she made a couple of friends, and it tuckered her out enough that I was able to put her to bed a whole hour early.

The thing is though, the pool also exhausted me and since I know my girl will be climbing into my bed bright and early tomorrow morning telling me to "Wake up, Mama! I'm hungry. Can I have some pancakes?" I better get myself to bed, too.