Wednesday, September 16, 2009

We Said We Wouldn't...

Mike and I pride ourselves on not being huge television watchers. We like to read. Or go out and do stuff instead of watch stuff on TV. Dorky, I know, but that's the way it is. I always thought that I would never use the TV as a babysitter. But there are some days when the lure of the electronic babysitter is irresistible. We only use it in emergencies though- promise!

***I know she's completely too close to the TV in the picture. She starts off at a reasonable distance, gets distracted by her toys so she crawls over there, and then something on the TV catches her attention again.


Julie, the mama said...

Ha! We're the same way here, and because I read an article that said TV could delay speech in children, I never let LL watch one second of TV. And when she was 16 months old, and still barely saying a word, a friend suggested I put her in front of the TV. I gasped. Then, slapped the kid in front of the television. She was talking as much as her friends within a week. Ha! Boss has been watching TV since he came home from the hospital!
She'll be fine!

Michael said...

We can't wait to see all of you, again. Grandma & Grandpa.