Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tokyo Disney

I was very nervous on the morning we were heading out to Disney. The clouds looked like they were threatening to open up at any minute, and because we pre-ordered our tickets, there was no backing out. We HAD to go to Disney that day or lose out on quite a bit of money. Not that a little rain would've stopped me before, but it's a bit more difficult with a 7 month old baby and a sometimes moody thirteen year old brother in tow. You never know what to expect from the two.

Turns out the cloudy weather was a blessing in disguise. What would normally be a sweltering hot and humid day during this time of year turned out cool and comfortable. The 7 month old had a blast watching shows and a parade, albeit in Japanese, and the thirteen year old even managed to have a good time. But then again, who wouldn't have a good time at Disney? You'd have to have some serious issues NOT to enjoy a day at Disneyland.

Visiting Asakusa the next day.

Lola and Grace in front of one of the guard houses at the Imperial Palace.