Thursday, May 7, 2009

Rain, Rain Go Away

On rainy days when my brother and I were kids, we would draw sunny pictures and tape them up to the window to convince the sun to come back out. I might resort to that again if the sun doesn't come out tomorrow. Today was the fourth consecutive day of rain. Please, rain, go away!

Because of the weather, Grace and I haven't been up to much- hence the lack of blog updates. Sorry again, grandparents.

I was delighted when Grace finally started 'talking'. I loved listening to her babble in her crib in the morning. But right now, she's obsessed with her hands. She's constantly trying to stuff them in her mouth and as a result, doesn't talk as much as she used to. Hopefully her fascination with the hands will pass and she'll be more talkative again soon.

Rainy afternoon nap- doesn't she look comfy? She does great sleeping in her crib at night, but her favorite napping place during the day is still my bed. She'll sleep for a couple hours if I'm lucky, but will only catnap if I place her in the crib.


Aunt Megan said...

Oh no! It's been raining here too...AND it's suppose to rain on Prom! Just my luck I geuss. But I bet when ya'll are here it'll be nice and sunny!