Tuesday, May 12, 2009

It's Getting Hot in Here

Although I'm grateful that the Navy provides housing for us while we live in Japan, there are definitely some disadvantages to military housing overseas. A big one right now is the lack of air conditioning. Even though the weather is getting quite warm, the air conditioning doesn't get turned on until June. We're making do by opening the windows, which doesn't really help all that much, and running the ceiling fan constantly. We also have a fan in the bedroom that I was forced to buy in the fall when they turned off the air and I was 6 months pregnant- heat and pregnancy don't mix.

Grace's bedtime routine has been going very smoothly for the past month and a half. Once I put her down for the night, she'll sleep very well and only wake up for a couple night time feedings. She even dropped a feeding a week ago so she was only getting up once during the night to eat. Heaven!

But now that it's getting hot, she's been having a hard time getting to sleep at night. What was once my easy night time routine with her has become quite challenging, thanks to the lack of air conditioning. Grace gets cranky because she's hot and can't get to sleep. As I type, it's already more than 2 hours past her bedtime and I can still hear that she's up. She's already down to sleeping in a onesie. If things don't get better soon, she may be sleeping in just her diaper!


Joannemay Estoesta said...

--Called my friend at NAVFACFE and she said that CNIC are the folks that dictate the timetable for turning on the air conditioning and that NAVFACFE are the folks that turn the crank. It's gotta be an average of 72 degrees (min)for 5 consecutive days before they'll turn it on. Also, the air conditioner is ON at the NEX, NEX Home, and NEX Kids. Go figure! They want people to SHOP!