Thursday, June 17, 2010

Another Botched ID Photo

I never take decent ID photos. Actually, I take that back. I did once. Right after I got married, I had to get a military ID card and I took great care in doing my hair, make up, and even made sure to accessorize because I was determined to take a good picture since this was my first ID card as a married woman. And to my surprise, it actually came out pretty darn good. My first decent ID card picture- I was so happy!

Until a few days later when Mike noticed a mistake on the card. We went back to the ID card place. This time I wasn't wearing any make up, my hair was up in a bun, and I was in bumming around clothes, but I wasn't concerned because I thought they would just fix whatever needed fixing in the computer and I would get to keep my lovely ID card picture. To my horror, they made me retake the picture that day! I still cringe whenever I have to pull it out and show it to base security or go to the commissary. I once even had the pharmacist comment, "Is this you?!?" Thanks a lot, guy.

Today I had to renew my driver's license. I haven't had an easy time with the Florida DMV (took almost 5 months to get Florida tags on Ruby), so I didn't have high hopes that the process would go smoothly. Just in case though, I did my hair and put on some make up. I shouldn't have bothered. First of all, trying to get your picture taken while holding on to your toddler, who is screaming and running away from you, pretty much guarantees you're not going to get a good picture. Then add the fact that the lady was about 30 feet away so I couldn't tell when she was going to actually take the picture. Finally, she snapped it as I was blinking. And didn't tell me that my eyes were half closed so I could at least retake the picture. Unless she thought that's the way they normally look. I know my eyes are quite Asian looking, but they're not THAT Asian!

So here's my new Florida driver's license photo. I look like I'm on drugs or something. Fantastic.
A fridge update- I didn't get the chance to go out and look for fridge locks/latches, so Grace's damage today was two broken eggs and a spilled container of blackberries. And this happened while I was in the kitchen washing the dishes! She's so quick and stealthy. First thing on my agenda tomorrow- baby proof that fridge for real.


Julie, the mama said...

Oh, Cicely...Cicely, Cicely, Cicely, I would have paid money for that laugh. I loved, loved, loved, loved (and even more loves than I have space for) this blog. I SO needed that laugh!!!

(And for the record, I don't think the picture is that bad.)

Joannemay Estoesta said...

Honey! I get my ID card renewed on Monday - the very exact date it expires! Wish US luck! Ya think James will get priority if he's in his Uniform?

Nellie said...

this WHOLE post cracked me up. laughing with you and not at you. seriously, you couldn't look bad if you TRIED!