Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Anti-Depressant Flowers

My sweet, sweet husband came home with these gorgeous flowers last night in an attempt to cheer me up. I had a doctor's appointment earlier that day and was once again dismayed at the number on the scale. It's one thing to joke about getting big, but it's quite another thing when the doctor starts in with a 'healthy eating habits' talk.

Apparently, I'd gained a little too much weight too quickly since my last appointment. Ooops...

To my defense though we had just gotten through Thanksgiving and a weekend full of leftovers and doesn't EVERYBODY gain a little too much weight too quickly during this time of year?? My situation is just compounded by my pregnant state which seems to hold on to every caloric intake and instantly turns it into fat.

So now I'm on a new eating regimen. My newly bought half gallon of ice cream was unceremoniously dumped into the trash, courtesty of my "sweet" husband, and the pantry was cleaned out of any candy and cookies. My walks around the neighborhood that I admittedly let slide the past couple weeks has been reinstated. Thank goodness I only have 7 weeks left.

I'm just in a grumpy mood right now because although I enjoy being pregnant since the end result is the beautiful blessing of a new life, the actual state of being pregnant is not so much fun- nausea, morning sickness, swollen feet, numb and painful hands, stretch marks, weird line down the belly, and no cute clothes to wear- to name a few. There are precious few things that I actually enjoy about being pregnant: Mike spoiling me, feeling the baby moving, and being able to eat goodies guilt-free. But that last one is now a privilege I am no longer able to enjoy.

So although I love my husband for trying to make me feel better with some beautiful flowers, in truth, I'd feel a whole lot better if I could just eat a chocolate chip cookie. But I suppose that attitude is why I'm in this predicament in the first place....


Bill said...

Laughing out loud on this one. I know exactly how you feel. Hang in there! Not too much longer.

J-mee!! said...

I remember those days. Don't worry, I bet you'll be one of those girls that lose it as soon as you deliver. Don't worry!

J-mee!! said...

I remember those days. Don't worry, I bet you'll be one of those girls that lose it as soon as you deliver. Don't worry!

Judy said...

Cicely!!! It's all good. You're doing just fine! Don't be too hard on yourself. Like you said, at the very end you will have gained a beautiful life that only God has blessed you and Mike with...Virginia Grace!