Sunday, November 2, 2008

Optimus Prime and Cinderella

We don't have a little one to dress up yet, but we sure got a lot of great ideas at Mike's Halloween Party at work. A couple of our favorites were the Bach kids, EJ and Mimi aka 'Optimus Prime' and 'Cinderella'. They were just so precious and I couldn't stop taking pictures of them.

Optimus Prime won best costume that afternoon and it's no wonder- He can transform! How cool is that?

By the end of the party, Cinderella became fascinated with my baby belly and even exclaimed at one point, "I love your baby," while hugging and kissing the belly. She was so excited to feel the baby move and asked about a million questions about how and why a baby moves in their mama's belly. Eventually I ran out of answers and had to resort to, "That's just the way babies are, I guess."


Anonymous said...

Aww! Don't worry, next Halloween Grace will be as cute as ever!
