Wednesday, November 5, 2008

3rd Trimester Here We Come!

It's official- we're now in the third and final trimester. I had my 28 week appointment yesterday and I about died when I stepped on the scale. I always like to be in the dark as far as my weight goes because when it comes to that area, I believe ignorance is bliss. I mean, I knew I'd gained more than my initial self-imposed weight gain limit of 20 pounds, but I had no idea I had put on THAT much! I don't FEEL like I've gained that much and Mike always assures me I look great, but then again, what else are you supposed to say to the woman who's carrying your baby? And suffered through all day morning sickness for five and a half straight months??

The doctor told me I passed my glucose test with flying colors, for which I am completely grateful. I don't know what I'd do if I had to lay off the sweets at this point. They're my one and only craving that I can actually indulge in. Chick-fil-A is my other one, but I'm completely out of luck on that one- there are none to be found here in Japan. You know how they say 'girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice'? Virginia Grace is going to be one of those girls, literally, if she is what her mama eats. Mike left for a conference in San Diego today and won't be back for a few days and I was online this afternoon trying to find a copycat recipe for my favorite white chocolate raspberry truffle cheesecake from Cheesecake Factory that I could try out while he was gone.

So other than filling out faster than planned, things are going great. There are many things about motherhood that I'm still unsure of, but I know one thing for certain- I've got a lot of work to do at the gym once this baby is born!


Anonymous said...

Yay for sweets! Try warm chocolate chip cookies and milk. Chocolate always works for my sweets cravings =]

Love, Megan

Kathy said...

Hey girl, you looks so good and should not be worrying about your weight. You can deal with that after you have the baby. It is so nice to see how happy you are!!!! I can't wait to see you some day. Take Care,
