Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Time Out

If she's old enough to start potty training, then she's definitely old enough for time out. She got placed in the time out corner this morning for ripping pages out of her Dr. Seuss book. Actually, she got a warning after I saw her contemplating the idea of ripping out pages, and she was put in time out when she followed through with it.

As pitiful as she looks, this was the only time when she needed use of the disciplinary corner. She was a good girl all day long after that.

Happier times.


Julie, the mama said...

Only Grace could manage to look adorable in Time Out.

What is it with kids and tearing pages out of books?

Lola said...

Oh no! my baby got time out?

Michael said...

How could a time out be given to such an adorable little girl?!