Sunday, November 14, 2010

Some Sunday Fun

We made it to church with five minutes to spare before Mass started. That was pretty good. But I had to sneak into the baby cry room during the priest's homily because of Grace screaming, "Read! Read!" And my quietly whispering Dr. Seuss' Go, Dog, Go as the priest was solemnly trying to discuss the gospel reading was not enough for my girl. She insisted on pointing out every dog in the book and what they were doing. Loudly. Very loudly.

The rest of the day was pretty laid back. I even ignored my mess of a house and napped while Grace napped. Turns out I probably should've just done my normal routine of cleaning up while she's asleep because I ended up feeling a bit ill when I woke up.

Maybe I'm not used to napping. Or maybe I was a bit ill at the thought that I'll only get to see my husband twice next week due to various duty days and underway time. And that's if he gets off work at a decent hour. Decent being before 8pm. There goes that Farrah again- eating up all his time. (Sorry, I digress.)

It was while I was talking to him on the phone tonight (another duty day) that Grace decided to attempt an undressing. I was in the kitchen making dinner and catching up with Mike when this walks around the corner saying, "I'm stuck, Mama!"...

Thankfully I had the camera handy. I was cracking up so hard that I nearly hung up on Mike. She managed to get everything off, but her onesie got stuck on her head.

After I got a hold of myself, I picked her up and went in search of her missing articles of clothing/diaper. As I'm holding her against my hip, I realized that she had tinkled so I searched for her spot and cleaned it up. Mike is dying for a dog, but seriously? Who needs a puppy when you've got this girl?

Finally, I found her diaper, but she had yet another surprise for me. It was filled with something that Grace likes to refer to as 'chocolate'.

Fabulous. Why does Mike always miss out on this kind of fun?


Julie, the mama said...

Hilarious story! And yes, those things always do seem to happen when the boys are away. Speaking of that ship...good gracious. Makes me realize how awesome the ol' GW was when I hear stories like that!