Friday, November 26, 2010

A Milestone's a Milestone

I used to be a big fan of Jon & Kate Plus 8- the good years. There was an episode when the babies were potty training and Kate took pictures of their first poop in the potty. I thought it was pretty disgusting and I had no clue why anyone would ever think of doing such a thing.

That was before I had a kid of my own.

Grace was trying to take off her diaper this morning and saying she had to go poo-poot. She's said this many, many times and not once has she ever gone, but I figured consistency is the key to everything so I lead her to the bathroom and sat her on the toilet.

Lo and behold, the child actually went this time!

And I took a picture of it.

I totally see where Kate was coming from now. You just want to document every milestone for them, and I count this as a pretty big milestone. Okay, so it's not as heartwarming as, say, the first time she said 'Mama' or 'I love you', but still- a milestone's a milestone.


Julie, the mama said...

Yay for potty progress.

And boy does she look GORGEOUS in that lavender.