Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

I absolutely love Christmas. It truly is a magical time. And even more so that I get to experience it as a parent of a small child. To see their eyes light up when they realize Santa brought them just what they asked for is priceless. When my parents used to tell us as little kids that they don't want anything for Christmas, I would stare at them in disbelief. What do you mean, nothing? Seriously?!? But I get it now. The best present of all is seeing your child experience the magic of Christmas.

After a morning of opening presents, I made Mike's favorite, homemade pandesal, while the two put together and played with all her new toys. In the evening, we went out to what has now become a Christmas tradition for us- the movies. This year we watched 'The Adventures of Tin Tin'. It was Mike's pick, but we all enjoyed it.

Christmas was wonderful for the Augustines and I hope it was for you and yours, too!

"Is it all for me?!?"

Santa came through and brought Grace her much asked for purple unicorn pillowpet and purple teddy bear!

Can't go wrong with Hello Kitty either...

Check out that look of concentration.

Pearl earrings from Grandma and Grandpa! Honestly, the child's jewelry collection is quickly surpassing my own.

When Mike and I decided to buy a steamer vacuum the week before Christmas, we agreed that would be our Christmas present to each other. So imagine my surprise when he gave me a Nook tablet! The perfect present for a bookworm like me.


Lolo and Lola said...

So happy to hear everybody had a wonderful Christmas. Happy, blessed and prosperous new year. love you, mwhoah!!

Michael said...

The only way Christmas could possibly have been better would have been to spend it with all of you!

Grandma and Grandpa