Friday, December 16, 2011

It's a Girl! (Part 2)

Just as sure as I was that Grace was a girl , I thought this one was a boy. I crave different kinds of food this pregnancy, 'man food' like steaks and burgers. And for a while, my sweet tooth went missing because I couldn't stand the things that I normally love like ice cream and donuts- the exact things I just had to have when I was pregnant with Grace.

The body changes are different, too. I have major heartburn this time around, something I never experienced with Grace. That dark line that I had running down my belly with Grace is absent this time around. I broke out like a teenager with Grace, and now, my face is pretty clear, albeit quite shiny.

So when at my check up a month ago, the nurse midwife did a quick little ultrasound and announced she thought the baby was a girl, I was taken aback. I was already starting to look at baby boy clothes and nursery decor.

Secretly though, I was thrilled. I wanted another little girl! Can you imagine the fun to be had at dressing two sweet little angels? In matching smocked dresses and bows, no less?

But the nurse midwife warned me that she could be wrong since her ultrasound machine wasn't the best and to wait until our anatomy scan to be absolutely sure.

Four weeks later, the technician who performed the anatomy scan confirmed what I was hoping for: It's a girl!


Julie, the mama said...

So, so, so fun! Love little girlS!