Thursday, December 15, 2011

What a Day!

If I knew how crazy today was going to be, I would have bought a bag of chocolates to have ready at the end of the day as my reward for surviving it all. Let me just forewarn you that if you don't want to read about vomit, diarrhea, and toilet water, just stop right now. But if that kind of stuff doesn't bother you, then read on.

The day started out so well. Grace slept in until 9, which is unheard of around here. After a leisurely morning we headed out to run a few errands before her doctor's appointment at 1:45.

Five minutes before we get to the first store we were going to, Grace told me she had to go potty. I told her to hold it for just a couple more minutes because we were almost there. But apparently, this wasn't the kind that could be held in and she got sick all over herself. I immediately made a u-turn and headed for home because there was no way I could clean her and the car seat up with the supplies I had with me.

I stripped her naked as soon as I pulled her out of the car seat and then let her run around outside like that as I took the dirty seat out of the car.

I dragged the child and dirty seat inside and continued to let her run around without clothing- I was going to give her a bath anyway- as I did my best to quickly clean the car seat of vomit since we were now only 45 minutes away from her doctor's appointment.

When I was almost finished with the car seat clean up, I went to check on her and saw that she was completely naked.

I also noticed that there was something on my coffee table that suspiciously looked like throw up so I asked her, "Oh, honey, did you just get sick on the table?" She looked at me and said, "No, Mama, that's poop." She was going to the doctor for a nagging cough and congestion and now I guess I can add diarrhea to the list of complaints as well.

Surprisingly, I stayed calm and just carried her to the bathroom, told her to stay put because she was getting a bath in a minute, cleaned up and sanitized every inch of my coffee table, and then went back to finishing the car set clean up.

The next thing I know, my little helper has filled her little bathroom bucket with water and is announcing she wants to help me clean, as her bucket overflows with water, spilling all over her naked self and the floor.

I took the bucket from her, told her thank you very much but I'm nearly finished, and told her I would be in the bathroom to give her a bath in ten seconds.

I finally finish with the car seat so I quickly head to the bathroom, noticing along the way that she had spilled water all over the hallway floor, the walls, and the bathroom floor.

But when I come upon her like this, something dawns on me...

ME: Grace, where did you get all that water you were going to use to help Mama clean up the car seat, the sink or the toilet?

GRACE: (Giggling with delight) The toilet!

At this point, I just break down and start crying. I now have twenty minutes until her doctor's appointment. I still have to bathe my child who has vomit, poop, and toilet water on her. And I now have to mop and sanitize my floors and hallway walls. Not to mention that because of all this unexpected clean up, I have yet to eat lunch. And a pregnant woman doesn't do hungry well. At least not this one.

Miraculously, I managed to clean everything up and make it to the doctor's on time.

But after all that, I was done for the day. Mike ended up going to his work Christmas party alone. Which was probably just as well because he decided to go all out with his Virginia Tech attire...

*When I was telling Mike this story, he was amazed that even though I was hysterical crying at the end, I still managed to remember to take pictures. That's because as upset as I was at the situation, I also knew that once the moment passed, this would be one of those stories that I want to remember when my baby is all grown.


Meagan said...

Wow. I hope tomorrow is better, MUCH better!

Lola said...

Oh wow! what a day indeed. Hope all is well including the doctor's appt. Take care. love you mwhoah!!!