Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Who Needs a Puppy

I've had a puppy twice in my life, once as a child and once as an adult. Both experiences have taught me that puppies will chew up your favorite stuff and make a mess.

Who needs a puppy when you've got a teething baby in the house? My coffee table now has scratches all along the edges and corners because Grace prefers that over her teething toys. One of her new favorite activities is to make a huge mess by pulling as many books off the bookcase as she can. And then she tries to tear out pages or bite the book covers before I get a chance to stop her. This girl may be little, but she sure is quick.


Meagan said...

I called Krista my little beaver. She was awful about the teething. She teethed her crib to the point we had to get a new one. The coffee table, bookshelves, windows, door jams. It drove me MAD! Good Luck! Grace sure looks sweet!