Saturday, December 19, 2009

Enjoying Each Other

Even though the countdown has begun for Mike to be gone for several months, I'm still in denial about it. Instead, our little family of three is focused on just enjoying each other and anticipating what a wonderful Christmas this will be since at least we'll be spending it together.

Digging into the brownies the fabulous Estoestas sent us for Christmas.

Hanging out with Daddy.

I thought Florida had warm weather! We decided to go out for a walk tonight and had to bundle up the baby because it was so cold.

Grace and I in front of the 'Lone Sailor'. Pretty soon our sailor will be leaving us all alone.

I was getting Grace's bath ready and when I turned around, this is what I found.


Julie, the mama said...

The ol' toilet paper game. Let the fun begin!

I too am in denial about Mike being gone for so long. Definitely a part of the Navy I could do without.

I am so thankful that you and Grace will be in such a great place while he's away though.