Thursday, August 27, 2009

Quick Little Playdate

Impromptu playdates are the best. Even if they're only ten minutes long. Sweet Jasmine came over for a few minutes while her mama had a quick errand to run and Grace was super excited to have her friend come by. When I set Jasmine on the floor next to her, Grace had a huge smile on her face, as if to say, "Yay! I get to play with someone my own size for a while!"

But judging by the look on Jasmine's face, the feeling may not have been so mutual. Sweet baby had a look of utter confusion as to where her mama went. Jasmine eventually sobbed the quietest and most heart-breaking cry. Lola and I tried to get Grace to distract her with some toys, but my girl didn't seem too into sharing. Every time Jasmine would reach for a toy, Grace all of a sudden became VERY interested in that same toy. I definitely see lots of lessons in sharing and how to be a good friend in my future.


Daddy said...

Grace didn't wanna share toys? Where on EARTH could she have gotten that trait from????? ;o)