Friday, January 30, 2009

"They Grow Up So Fast"

That's a phrase you'd probably never expect to hear from a father of a 5 day old baby girl, but after this morning's unexpected trip to the hospital (don't worry, everything's fine), that was the first thing that came to mind.

It all started when right after a huge breakfast prepared by Lola I went to change Grace's diaper, as it was about that time. Upon opening the diaper, to my utter shock, I saw some red mixed in with the usual mosaic of color. So I called in mom and Lola, to continue the job - what if I was wiping something the wrong way? They were just as surprised as I, so I was ordered to call the pediatrician (who just gave her a clean bill of health yesterday). It was 7 am, and normal hours didn't start for another 30 mins, so I decided to check out WebMD in the meantime.

When I finally reached the doctor on the phone, his explanation was exactly what WebMD said, so I felt like I had gotten a diagnosis and second opinion all at once. The Doc said bringing her in wasn't necessary, and I agreed. However, if I wanted to bring in the diaper for him to examine, he'd be happy to. So of course, Cicely jumped at that option, and just for added safety, we brought in Grace as well. After looking at the diaper, the Doc reiterated what he had said over the phone, and just gave me that "you've got so much to learn, new Daddy" look. Fortunately, he's an old guy, so I'm okay with him giving me that look - I get it from my Dad everytime I go back home. And most importantly, Cicely had piece of mind.

So what happened? Apparently, excess estrogen from Mom is still inside Grace, and because her immune system is still developing, it takes a few days to rid herself of those hormones. In the meantime, because of the estrogen, her little body actually thinks it's in puberty.

So technically speaking, it's "that time of the month."

They grow up so fast, don't they?

Random video for your Virginia Grace daily visual fix:


Joy Peterson said...

I am a friend of Julie Boucek's and I read your blog so often! First of all, Grace is such a beautiful little girl!! Congratulations!

Secondly, this same thing happened to me with my daughter...I started freaking out! Luckily, we were still in the hospital when this happened, so the nurses assured me that it was all normal. My sisters had daughters and NO ONE had ever told me about this "situation." It doesn't last long, but it is not an exciting view nonetheless.

Mike, I love reading your blog entries. There is nothing better than hearing a doting dad talk about his baby girl!

Hope you are both getting some rest when you can!

Julie, the mama said...

Look at y'all, getting all techno on me! Love the video. Grace is as precious as ever!