Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A Baby Shower

Despite what this picture looks like, this shower wasn't for me. I was hosting it for my friend, Vernessa, who is ready to give birth any day now. We snuck into her house while she and her family were at church and surprised her with food, friends, and presents. A great time was had by all, including the GUYS. Yes, there were guys at this baby shower, and to tell the truth, I like it better that way. I think it's nice when guys are included in the shower.

Here's Vernessa, the baby shower celebrant.

The cute duckie cake and the food!

Vernessa and her husband, Chuck, admiring the baby presents.

Here are the 3 pregnant ladies in birth order: Vernessa- any day now, Lyn- January 5, and me- January 25. It must be something in the water!