Friday, September 19, 2008

Mike's Favorite Baby Outfit

Since finding out we're expecting a girl, I've slowly but steadily been buying girly baby clothes. It was like once I started, I couldn't stop. My mom warns me against buying too much since babies grow so quickly, but it's just too much fun to resist. I'm keeping all the receipts just in case I look back a month or two from now and realize I HAVE gone overboard, but in the meantime, it just brings me so much joy. Mike jokes that her wardrobe will soon be bigger than his and mine combined. He has come to accept/tolerate my shopping mini-sprees, but he just doesn't get as excited about the cute little outfits like I do. He does a valiant job of pretending and saying they're cute, but I know he's just doing it for my sake.

FINALLY, I found a baby outfit for which Mike doesn't have to fake his enthusiasm. It's self explanatory once you look at the picture, but he was genuinely excited about this one. Of course, it was supposed to be a Christmas surprise, but he opened the package before I could get to it and hide it in the closet. Merry Christmas three months early!


Bill said...

I know you are having a ball buying all of the fun girl clothes. Enjoy being able to get out and shop...those days will end for a bit when baby arrives!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome!
