Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Maybe Not

Mike was working on a big project this weekend and since it was too rainy to go out with the girls, I packed the girls up and we headed to Virginia Beach to visit with grandparents for a couple of days. 

We started our two day getaway with a night out at the movies with Lola, Lolo, and the uncles.  Grace thought Nemo in 3D was awesome.  The grandparents and uncles loved watching her giggle and try to 'catch' the 3D characters.  And I was busy rocking the baby in the hallway, doing my best to keep her calm and quiet, while still trying to catch glimpses of the movie. 

Next day was shopping day.  Since I always seem to run into old friends, former co-workers and students while I'm looking my absolute worst, I decided to step it up a notch and straighten my hair, wear some makeup, and actually wear my one cute outfit. 

I went solo to the first store and was feeling pretty good.  I even got a few stares and I thought to myself, "Hmmmm, I may still have quite a few pounds to lose to get to my pre-pregnancy weight, but maybe I still have it."

Not five minutes after having that thought, a lady came up to me and whispered, "I'm not sure if you know this, but you have a big Halloween sticker on your butt." 

I immediately bust out laughing and thanked her for telling me so I wouldn't have to go through the whole day with a jack'o'lantern on my behind.  Maybe I still have it?  Maybe not.  Ha!

You gotta love three year old little girls who decorate their mamas with Halloween stickers!  Kids certainly keep you humble, that's for sure.


Julie, the mama said...

Is it bad that I'm laughing about the sticker? Like REALLY laughing out loud, right her by myself.

Sticker or not, you still have it, girl.

LOVE the pictures, and so glad family is close enough now to be able to do a weekend trip!