Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Another One Bites the Dust...

Although I couldn't make it back to Virginia to help celebrate my childhood buddy's wedding, the rest of the boys didn't forget - here we are at the wedding...from L to R, Matt, [superimposed] me, the bride Ellen, Mike (the Groom) and Jeff (the last bachelor we live vicariously through). Can you guess which blog they took my picture from? Matt did a great job with the editing - it looks like we had a blast! Congratulations Mike and Ellen!


Anonymous said...

AHAHAHA THEY CROPPED YOU IN! As your truly ditzy sister.. it took me a good 45 seconds of staring at the picture and wondering why you looked so out of place to realize you were cropped in. I could have also kept reading the caption.. well anyway, great picture!

-Little Sis

Anonymous said...

you where so drunk at the wedding....lol

-The Last One Standing

Anonymous said...

Oh and I just showed this to mom.. the first thing she said was "Oh! They went to the wedding!?" That's where I get it from =]

-Little Sis

Bill said...

Hilarious! The picture AND the comments from your precious Little Sis!