Thursday, July 31, 2008

Is This Normal?

I'm obsessed with TLC's A Baby Story. I didn't really care about the show when it first came out, my interest grew as my baby cravings grew, and now that I'm pregnant, I don't miss an episode. And without fail, I ALWAYS cry when the baby's born....sometimes, if it's a particularly dramatic episode, I find myself sobbing. I don't know if it's just pregnancy hormones but it's freaking me out because I don't really consider myself a crier. Last week I was watching the Animal Planet Channel and there was this Mama elephant whose baby died and she had to leave the baby behind because she still had another baby who she had to lead to water. You would've thought that Mama elephant was my best friend the way I was going on--I was that emotional about it. This pregnancy has turned me into a cry baby... is this normal?? I can't find anything in my baby books on this subject.

On another topic, my nausea and bouts of sickness are still here, although dramatically less than before. I'll go for days with little to no symptoms and then out of nowhere, I'll have a regression where it's just like in the early days of being sick 10-15 times a day. On those days, I'm so frustrated and annoyed because my good days had fooled me into thinking that my sick days were over. But at least I have a tiny baby bump now so seeing it reminds me that all this will one day pass and I'll have a cute little baby at the end of the experience. The thought helps me get through the day. That and my wonderfully supportive husband who is patient with me when I'm grouchy and spoils me by indulging all my weird whims and taking care of everything so I have yet to do the dishes, laundry, vacuum, dust, or clean bathrooms since we found out I was pregnant. Am I a lucky girl or what?


Anonymous said...

Aww that's sweet! It's good Michael is doing everything for you =] Heheh


Mike and Cicely said...

Yes, Sweetheart. You are lucky.....but not as lucky as me ;o)

Bill said...

Absolutely NORMAL!